Apr 25, 2020Bible Studies

READING: ACTS 9:1-7, JOHN 1, 1ST JOHN 4:7-8

You are not born with the ultimate amount of knowledge you will collect throughout your lifetime. God didn’t see fit to allow us to manage ourselves that way. Instead, most of us have some period or event of awakening that calls us to take note of everything around us; the current events of the day or year; the conditions in which we live; our aim, goal or purpose in life, etc. As such, many people don’t actually count the beginning of their life (that age from birth throughout the adolescent years) as their beginning. Some would say, as I would, the beginning happens at the point of enlightenment. The moment a person becomes aware of their personal situation and gains accountability for their own life, judgement, actions, etc… the beginning has taken place.

Having said that, I’m merely talking about the beginning as it concerns the flesh. As you know, life is much larger and longer than the few short years we exist upon this Earth. So, for the purpose of explaining my own story, I will give you two examples of my beginning. The first for my physical life. The other for what will be to come.

In The Beginning… Acts 9:1-7

The Apostle Paul is not remembered for his knowledge, teaching and learning as Saul, the Pharisee. Although the book of Acts tells us how Prominent Saul was in his understanding of Judaism, how he was outpacing those who were his age and older at learning his father’s religion, Saul’s contribution to the world and to his self are largely unworthy of discussion. Instead, one could argue that Saul’s beginning was when he became blinded on the road to Damascus. After all, it was at that point that he would change his name and begin his life-altering journey of suffering for Christ.

Hans_Speckaert - Conversion of St Paul on the Road to Damascus

By Hans SpeckaertWeb Gallery of Art:   Image  Info about artwork, Public Domain, Link

In the beginning was the Word!

By John Snyder / CC BY-SA

My beginning is far different from Paul’s, although for the same purpose. I was 14 years old. It was a Sunday morning in Jacksonville, Florida. I was sitting on a pew at Wayside Assembly of God listening to Pastor Bowers preach the Word of God. The Spirit of God moved upon me. He convicted me of my sin. I knew I had to accept Christ as my Savior. I believed. I had bought in and I was hooked. I needed Jesus in my life, not just to forgive me of my sin but to inject the love and mercy I felt that morning into my heart forever. I was changed from that moment forward. That was my beginning!

John the Disciple said that Jesus was in the beginning of all things. In John 1:1 Jesus is called The Word, and John shows Him thoroughly involved with all life before any of us were ever born. In fact, Jesus was present even before He was born. Think about that one! I love this verse because I firmly understand how the beginning to any great story starts with Jesus. He gave me hope, purpose, stability and grace in my beginning, when I first gave Him my heart. He has been there ever since.

I’ve done a lot of growing spiritually and physically since I first became a Christian. I’ve experienced several other types of beginnings in my life since that day, too, including the beginning of my time in the military, the beginning of being a husband, father and starting a family. Make no mistake, though. Not all of my beginnings have been good. I often say that Apostle Paul called himself the chief of sinners because he’d never met me. I don’t say that with pride but rather with shame. There have been times in my life where I lived the example of casting my pearl before the swine, having tasted of the perfect gift of God and still choosing sin over righteousness. But, that’s why I wanted to put together this website, at least in part. I believe the best gift I can give to you all, my children, is some of the history and lessons of my life. Throughout all of it you will see Christ at work in my life. I will be honest with you. I’ll tell you the truth throughout these posts. I’ll open up and confess my failures and successes alike. I feel it’s important that you have a model of how to live, what to do and what NOT to do during the seasons, times and trials of your life.

There will be many posts to come that I pray will help you throughout your life. I wanted to write this first one just to break the ice. Since you all know how much I admire the Apostle Paul, I thought I would start by relating my Christian life, my true beginning, to his ministry. More specifically, I feel I can relate to Paul’s glorious encounter with Jesus on the Damascus Road, along with his struggle with pride and his thorn in the flesh. Most likely, the majority of posts I write in the future will include him in one way or another. Having said that, I feel I should leave you with one of my favorite verses. 1st John 4:7-8. This may not be the best verse to explain the love I have for all of you, but it’s a verse that has stuck with me throughout the years.

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

I am so very grateful for you all and for your mother. My prayer is that God will bless and anoint my hands as I write these devotions for you so that they will bless you and enrich your lives as deeply as God has blessed me with all of you.